Plum Cake

Every year when the stone fruits are in season I make this cake. Sometimes I use nectarines and sometimes I use plums. It's such a simple recipe - a butter cake or pound cake batter flavoured with lemon rind and topped with sugared, sliced fruit. Some of the fruit sinks to the bottom ensuring the cake is delightfully moist and you get a little surprise in every slice.

Something amazing happens to the plums whilst in the oven. The yellow fleshed plums turn a deep red after the hour cooking time.

This is always one of my most popular cakes and I have to snaffle a piece to photograph early in the day cos if I wait too long, there is nothing left, not even a crumb.

I'm sure this recipe will make it's way into the cookbook, one of these days.

I had a hectic weekend and I took many photos whilsy I was in Melbourne, all of which need to be edited. Hopefully I'll have something to show you if you check back again on Wednesday, so until then,



  1. ciao,sono Elisabetta!!piacere di conoscerti!!sei molto brava,complimenti per il tuo blog!!se tu potessi inserire un traduttore per la lingua,potrei seguirti piu' facilmente..buona settimana ^;^

  2. Hi Elisabetta,

    I'll see what I can do.




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