
I haven't ever asked anything of my blog readers before, so here goes. I've been doing my shopshoots for about 9 months now and the time has come to update my portfolio. I've decided the easiest way to show my portfolio is to put together a coffee table sized book of some of my shopshoots.

I'm a photographer, not a designer, and I was wondering if one of my clever blog readers would like to design a logo for me? It doesn't have to be anything flashy, just typography will do, but something I can use on my shopshoot blogposts and on the cover of my book. There won't be any payment I'm afraid but I'll credit the designer every way I can. If you think it's something you'd like to help me with, please send an email to with your ideas.

I'm off to do a shopshoot tomorrow so I should have some photos to post sometime next week. The rest of the weekend I'll be at my p.c. completing my trip planning. I'm going to Norway, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Paris, Zurich and Hong Kong in June and I still have lots of accommodation to book. I'm so excited at the thought of my holiday.

I'll be back again on Monday so have yourselves a splendid weekend,



  1. Have you got a logo yet Jillian?

  2. Not yet, though a few people have offered their help. If you're interested in giving it a go please email me

    Thanks muchly


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