Austrian Coffee Cake

I was home in Brisbane recently, visiting my parents and of course, the cat.

Miss M

I hunted through the cupboard under the oven looking for some old baking tins. The first thing that fell out was this kugelhopf tin
Dad used to make butter cakes when I was growing up, and this was the tin he used. We figured it's probably older than I am, which would make it vintage!

austrian coffee cake

I rifled through an old cookbook, Margaret Fulton's Creative Cookery Course and found this recipe for Austrian Coffee Cake, which I've been dying to make for ever. The first time I saw the cake pictured in a magazine, it had been baked in a kugelhopf tin so that's what I used. 

Now the thing is, I don't like the taste of coffee at all but my Mum does and as  today is her birthday, I thought I'd make something that she likes. Dad also has a whiz bang coffee machine so I knew he'd like to use his barista skills.

The tin might be vintage but the cake came out perfectly.The cake is a simple butter cake which is soaked in a coffee syrup (I skipped the rum) then covered in whipped cream. Mum can't eat cream so I left the cake unadorned and when cut, the cake was very moist and had a 2 toned appearance.

austrian coffee cake

When I left for Sydney, the cake looked like this -

austrian coffee cake

I'm not sure if there's any cake left but a big Happy Birthday to my Mum in Brisbane. 

Happy Birthday Mama,



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